Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Kind Thought

 How many times have we seen a person or a situation that the first thought about them or it was unkind?

It is a habit for most of us to be critical first of everything. We have all had to practice long and hard to become so cynical and hard. It makes for the energy around us and around everyone so unhappy.

  • What if we all decided to see one good thing about a person around us and let the criticism go?
  • What if we looked at situations with a more positive spin on them?
  • What if we broke the habit of being so cynical and unkind we heal our bruised hearts?

No one is ever happy that is critical constantly of life and everyone living in it. No person ever moves forward in a positive frame of mind by being cynical.

I challenge you all to break any habit that contains thoughts of being unkind and critical. It will make a difference in your life you won't believe.

Many Blessings to All 


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Thoughts about Yourself

 There are always two ways to think about ourselves:

We can find fault with everything about ourselves and our life as it is.  

We can focus on the positive things about who we are and what we have accomplished.

I don't know why it is we choose to be so critical of who we are and where we are but for some reason it is human nature to have this habit. It is really up to us to change the way we think about ourselves and our lives.

  • What if we chose to make a list of everything we have accomplished?
  • What if we focused on our abilities?
  • What if we focused on our strong points?

Sometimes it is better if we literally write down all the things that are great about ourselves. Everyone has so many good qualities if we just pay attention to them.

We must let go of the mistakes we feel we have made, the bad choices, the wrong path we may have taken. These are not where are focus should be because we are still going forward and still living so there is something positive about our lives.

Give yourself the credit you deserve and if you need to sit down every day and write down what you have accomplished, what positive things you had happen, and what you as a person excelled at. I am not talking just major things, I am talking about getting chores done, making conversation, being a friend, there are so many things when you start a list that will surprise you about yourself.

Take the time to focus on every positive thing about yourself and your life so that this becomes a great habit to continue.

Many Blessing to All


Friday, July 12, 2024

One Thought After Another

 Our thoughts follow a pattern if you will and when you think about it you will realize this is true.

For instance when you are upset with someone and you are focused on what they did then one thought after another comes forward about all the things they have done to upset you. Those thoughts can flood your mind and before you know it you are angrier than you were in the beginning because you have fueled your anger with so many thoughts of unhappiness.

The same holds true for happy thoughts. When you are focused on a happy time or experience you then have one thought after another of a time or times when you have had the same things happy happen for you.

When we choose our thoughts carefully then we choose our state of mind and how we feel about everything.

  • What if when we were angry we stopped and told ourselves this is not how I want to think and feel?
  • What if we chose to focus on times in our lives that we were not only happy but content and at ease?
  • What if we made the choice to actually change an unhappy thought for a happy one?

You may think you can't do this but believe me you can. You have so many joyful thoughts about your life and your journey that if you choose to zero in on any one of them you can change your thoughts and then by doing that change how you feel for the better.

It is all for your greater good and for the direction you want to take in your life. Make the choice to use your thoughts wisely.

Many Blessings to All


Thursday, July 11, 2024

An Outdated Thought

 Outdated: out of date; obsolete.

It is funny how we as humans seem to go backwards in our thinking. By that I mean for some reason we are always using our thoughts to look backwards at a time that was either happy or sad or hurtful or comfortable.

We have all experienced these times in our lives and we certainly know how they feel but when we keep going back in time to keep either feeling good or bad depending on the thoughts we are now allowing ourselves to move forward in a way that brings us a better way to live in the now.

One thing that we do when we look back at a snapshot in our memory is we usually enhance the situation whether it was good or bad. It keeps growing in ways that were probably not true but enhancing for some reason is the outcome of looking backwards. We add details that were not there, words that were not spoken, and actions that were not taken in size and significance. 

  • What if we decided that we were going to give up looking to the past?
  • What if we kept the feelings of joy that we know are real from past experience and use them for today?
  • What if we let go of any hurt or anger so that happiness can fill that space in our heart?

When we hang on to what was we are not allowing what is happening today to have the impact it should for us. By letting go of anything negative from the past we can see the positive in our today.

Give yourself a break and live in the moment with all the positive things that are going on for you today to be your focus.

Many Blessing to All


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Ordinary Thoughts

 Ordinary: with no special or distinctive features; normal.

I don't think that any of us have ordinary thoughts. We are too creative and imaginative to have such bland thoughts. 

In fact our thoughts are really extraordinary. 

Extraordinary: very unusual or remarkable.

The reason I say this is because with our imagination we see our lives with distinctive features and we do have special thoughts about everything.

When we actually focus our thoughts on the things we would like to have happen for us that makes them so powerful. If we stay in a positive frame of mind and see just how life would be and feel the good feelings those thoughts bring to us this makes what we think extraordinary.

  • What if you imagined your life the way you would like it to be and just held those thoughts and feelings in your imagination?
  • What if you made your focus on yourself with thoughts of wonderful experiences ahead?
  • What if you stopped seeing life in the negative and zeroed in on all that positive things possible for you?

It is up to you how you use your thoughts but I would recommend using them to your advantage by seeing and feeling great things for yourself.

Many Blessing to All


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Your Power

 Power: the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.

Most of us don't feel very powerful. We look at ourselves and our lives and we think there are so many other people who have more power than we do. That may be true in their own lives but in our own personal space we have all the power and we fail to use it for our greater good because we are always looking somewhere else for it.

Your power comes from within. It is linked to your thoughts and feelings about every single thing in your life. 

If you are using your thoughts to bring up the positive feelings you want to feel, good for you because that is the secret to it all.

When we think the most positive thoughts about ourselves this gives us the power to feel good about who we are. If we find all the positive things about our appearance, our personality, our abilities, we then have power to envision the best things in our lives.

If you are in a negative train of thought you can feel it. It is like a dim lightbulb that has the ability to shine brightly but needs to be turned up to do so. Negative thinking never ever brings good things to us because there is no power there. When you feel the negativity taking over tell yourself: "These negative thoughts are not for me, I want better thoughts and feelings for my greater good!"

The more positive you think and feel the more power you give yourself to move forward in a direction that not only suits you but brings you the joy in life you deserve.

Many Blessings to All


Monday, July 8, 2024


 Consideration: careful thought, typically over a period of time.

I think the key words here are careful thought.

How many of us take the time to think about what we are going to say before we say it? I bet if each of us would consider our words first the world might just be a better place.

  • What if we considered other people's feelings?
  • What if we took the time to think about what it might mean to someone else if we were more considerate?
  • What if we were kinder and more compassionate about people and their circumstances or lifestyle?

Life could be so much easier and much more joyful if people thought before they spoke on so many levels.

We as humans would feel better too. A person cannot feel good about themselves or their lives when they are belittling or criticizing everyone and everything. There is just no way that it can feel good to be constantly using negative words and thoughts towards others.

I would challenge everyone to make your words count for something kind, considerate, and pleasant.

Many Blessings to All


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Words Matter

 Word: a command, password, or signal.

Words matter. They are thoughts spoken out loud. We can use them lovingly or harshly it is our choice.

What if we made the effort to you them for kindness?

What if we made the effort to not use them in a hurtful way?

What if we used our words in gratitude and happiness?

What if we used them to point out the good in others?

These are ways to use your words in a meaningful way and because of those small changes life just became better for it.

Many Blessing to All 
